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About Flyanush

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We are currently in Argentina, where Ale and Paloma will welcome you. Here it´s Mica, who runs the SoMe and schedule dates . And there it´s you who make us reach more people.


What a piece of team we handle huh... How many times have they told us... "I came because I stopped a girl on the street to ask her where those feathers are from. A friend passed me the information. I saw it to someone at the night club and I held back asking her. Someone tagged them and when I entered the profile it was love at first sight. My sister-in-law/cousin/sister/mother-in-law/partner has one and I fell in love..." I could write a thousand ways of how you guys arrive, of how we intertwine and we make a tribe.  


Little by little this tribe of Flyanush feathers is going to take over every corner of the globe. Thank you for being a part, thank you for the generosity of sharing our name with those who ask you.



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